Monday, July 22

Monday, July 15

Body bingo

If you want to have some fun at home during the winter holidays, you can download and print this bingo!

Si quieren divertirse en casa durante las vacaciones, pueden descargar e imprimir este bingo.

Happy winter holidays

Wednesday, July 10

Book Week is here!

We've been planning this week for a long time and it's finally here! We're very excited about it and hope the kids enjoy the activities we  have planned.

Hace mucho tiempo que estamos planeando la semana del libro y finalmente llegó. Estamos muy contentos y esperamos que los chicos disfruten de las actividades que organizamos.

Today we visited the book fair!

Monday, July 8

Look at me!

Here's the song from Backpack that we learnt in class. Do you like it?

Esta es la canción del libro que aprendimos en esta unidad, ¿les gusta?

Sunday, July 7

Book Week

Book Week is coming and we're getting ready for it! We hope to see you there :) 

La semana del libro se está acercando y nos estamos preparando. ¡Esperamos verlos ahí! :)


This is me!

Let's sing and dance :)